Amurabi, legal design agency

Podcast – Light at the end of Dark Patterns

Have you ever felt bad about clicking ”decline all” on a cookie consent? Has that button been difficult to find? And if you finally find it, has the website spawned a pop up message trying to tell you how they will go bankrupt and the world will end if you do not accept all? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, congratulations -- you have been subjected to dark patterns.In this episode, we venture into the dark side and discuss this issue with Marie Potel-Saville, a very well known figure in the world of legal innovation and the founder and CEO of Amurabi, a legal innovation agency. Before founding Amurabi, Marie has worked at Allen & Overy, Chanel and as a VP for legal at Estee Lauder EMEA.
Podcast episode 32: light at the end of dark patterns