Amurabi, legal design agency
AFPAD Women's rights: Holding the cards for your rights mockup


How can we facilitate access to justice for women, enable them to become fully aware of their rights and exercise their independence immediately?


User research - Legal UX - Clear language - Graphic design - Prototype


"My Rights Cards in Hand




The citizens who most need access to the law are those who benefit the least from it. Women who are victims of violence or inequality feel "alone" even though there are many structures and means of support. Recent scandals have highlighted the difficulties women have in taking hold of their rights and exercising them on a daily basis.


To create a content/object based on the rights applicable to women and girls, taken from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which helps them to fully understand their rights and above all to use them on a daily basis, which they can take with them everywhere (in the street, at work...) so that they no longer feel deprived, and on which they can rely to defend their rights in the moment, and in the longer term.

We analyzed the data collected to identify more precisely the problem we were able to address: "women do not feel sufficiently independent or equal to men, we will create an object that allows them to become fully aware and exercise their independence immediately.


A deck of cards including inspiring female figures, confidence-building quotes, practical information to keep with you or to share, or even to use in delicate situations when words fail.

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