Amurabi, legal design agency
This is the mockup of a project we did with Citeo.


How do you transform a dense, complex call for projects into an engaging experience?


User research - Clear language - User testing - Graphic design


Call for projects



Background and PROCESS

Every year, Citeo launches a call for projects to encourage the development of re-use solutions for household packaging. We took on the challenge of redesigning all their call for projects documents to simplify the process for applicants, while transforming their experience. Citeo, a company deeply committed to the circular economy, deals with the often dry and dense subject of reusable packaging, involving a large number of stakeholders. The task was to make this complex content accessible and engaging.


A redesigned call for projects, including entries "by user type" to help users navigate content and directly access the content that's relevant to them, reminders and checklists that enhance the user experience and reinforce user control and understanding.

Our other achievements