Be close to the citizens and transform the most dry contents into action tools for everyone, even the most vulnerable.
User-centricity is essential in the public sector to ensure that legal information is accessible to citizens. We work alongside government institutions to turn words into action.
Digital divide, difficulties with the French language, lack of confidence in the system... Public innovation necessarily requires a better understanding of users' needs, citizens' expectations, but also the cognitive limits of all humans. We design content, processes, and interfaces that give everyone confidence in their own ability to make an informed choice, and that provide citizens with tools for action.
Putting the user at the center of the innovation process to create services and products that solve human problems.
The future of the law is to allow each person to make informed and therefore free choices, encourage thought, and enable action.
The neuro-ergonomics of law achieves the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy (2001).
We work on technical issues such as data privacy and access to public health, and share our expertise in plain language and accessible information. We also draw on neuroscience research to deliver key messages to the most vulnerable citizens and empower them to make their own decisions and take action.
Nothing is simple for citizens when it comes to the law. Transform letters, forms, reports and interfaces that reconcile users with public service, enable them to make informed choices and restore their confidence.
Following the example of our work for the Prime Minister's office, via the ANCT, we transform "decision trees" into decision-making tools, so that each user can find, with confidence, the keys to his project or problem.
For example, we have been training the École Nationale de la Magistrature in Legal Design and plain language since 2019. By training magistrates who then move on to other jurisdictional functions, we see good practices gradually being deployed, in letters or even judgments. Come and make this methodology your own.
We have been mandated by the CNIL to equip designers
on the specific issues of the protection of personal data of minors,
by integrating with the work already undertaken by the LINC.
an agency that listens to our needs, is available and has shown agility and a sense of adaptation that should be highlighted in the context of the health crisis, which made the execution of certain services particularly delicate.