Amurabi, legal design agency
Orange Creation of an internal legal platform of tools


How to lead the digital transformation within a large Legal Department?


User research - Legal UX - Clear Language - UI Design - Digital transformation - Wireframe - User testing


Creation of an internal legal platform of tools




Orange launched an ambitious transformation project for its legal department, developing a dozen new online services and tools for its 700 in-house lawyers worldwide.
In addition to "doing more with less", the aim was also to make work more enjoyable and comfortable for all lawyers, and of course to better serve in-house customers.

To achieve this, Orange's Legal Department applied a user-centered process to create the services and tools: it identified personae, user journeys, created solution prototypes and tested them.
The challenge was to ensure that Orange's 700 legal professionals would adopt these tools seamlessly: Amurabi had to create a "document" to explain the project, as well as a deployment plan, both user-centered to ensure rapid appropriation.


At the heart of user centricity! And because change management was key, we teamed up with Dominique Ashby, an expert in neuroscience-based change management.
Together, we conducted two series of interviews with users, to identify their perception of "technology", "new tools", cultural aspects at Orange, possible obstacles and understand their expectations of the project.

"Seeing is believing", they told us, and we couldn't agree more. So we created a key one-page visual to announce the project, focusing on the benefits for users. The shape of the visual itself suggests positive change and outreach for the legal department.
We also created the complete visual identity for the project, with a name and logo, reflecting "the outreach and progress of the legal department", as well as an internal website presenting each of the tools and their benefits for users.


"The concrete result is an essential and lasting asset for Orange's legal division. It's an internal website that immediately stirred the emotions of users and created the leverage expected to drive engagement with new technology tools and new ways of working.

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