Amurabi, legal design agency
compliance training Amurabi legal design


How do you make compliance engaging and practical, and turn training into a human-centered experience?


User research - Legal UX - Clear language - Art direction - Prototype 


Compliance training




Create compliance training that would engage, empower, and hold sales teams more accountable for their daily behaviors. The original materials were a combination of different formats: PPT, videos, formal policies in Word.


We started with the habituela user workshop with a representative selection of the business users most exposed to risk, with a balance between head office and field teams.

The most rewarding part of the project was the co-creation with the compliance officer, who was very committed and gave us carte blanche on the artistic direction. Our brief? Make compliance fun and practical, and transform training into a human-centered experience.


The Wild West is long gone! Leverage a bold, cheerful, Wild West-inspired "turn pager" design to de-dramatize compliance topics. KPIs are measured - stay tuned!

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